The Kills, the iconic rock duo of Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince, have recently taken to social media to tease a potential return to music. Posting a photo of the duo posing with a black car to their official Instagram, the caption read “7.25.23”, hinting that something new will be coming on July 25.
The post sent fans into a frenzy, as many took to the comments to express their excitement for the band’s return. One fan said “If it’s not a new album I’m rioting” while another fan shared “Oh my God, tell me this is gonna be an announcement for a new album finally!” American film director Jim Jarmusch and journalist Kim Taylor Bennet also shared their enthusiasm by commenting a fire emoji and “YES!” respectively.
The Kills have not released new music since 2018’s single ‘List Of Demands (Reparations)’ and 2016’s LP ‘Ash & Ice’. However, they have recently reissued their albums ‘Midnight Boom’ and ‘Keep On Your Mean Side’ in celebration of their 20th anniversaries.
Mosshart has previously been part of other bands such as Discount and The Dead Weather, and when asked about a potential reunion with the band in an interview last year with Consequence Of Sound, she responded “Your guess is as good as mine.”
The Kills also recently had a photo exhibit in New York and Los Angeles, featuring various polaroids taken by the band from 2002 through 2004.
Given the excitement of their recent post, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of July 25. Whatever The Kills have in store, it is sure to be an exhilarating experience for all those who have followed their career.
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