50 Cent recently shared a hilarious account of a car ride between himself, Chris Tucker, and the late Michael Jackson. In Tucker’s Netflix stand-up special Chris Tucker Live, he recalled the time when Jackson told him he loved 50 Cent’s 2003 hit single ‘In Da Club’.
The song was 50 Cent’s first-ever Number One single and Jackson was a fan of rap, according to Tucker. “He liked that 50 Cent song ‘In Da Club’, he liked the beat. [I said] ‘Michael, Michael, no! Don’t sing the words. Please’,” Tucker said as he imitated the 13-time Grammy Award winner’s voice.
50 Cent and Michael Jackson also had a collaboration track called ‘Monster’ which was released in December 2010 posthumously on Jackson’s album ‘Michael’. Despite the catchy signature, NME gave the song two-and-a-half-stars as it was ruined by 50 Cent’s rap verse. In 2018, the song was removed from streaming services due to allegations that Sony Music had used an impersonator to sing the lead vocals.
The rapper-turned-TV mogul is currently on the ‘The Final Lap’ tour which celebrates the 20th anniversary of 50’s debut album ‘Get Rich Or Die Tryin”. The North American leg of the tour’s next stop is at Houston’s Toyota Center on August 24 and will end on September 17 at Detroit’s Pine Knob Music Theatre.
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