Pedro Winter, also known as Busy P, recently shared his enthusiasm for the upcoming Justice LP, comparing it to the duo’s 2007 debut ‘Cross’. Busy P, who is the label founder of Ed Banger Records – home to artists like Breakbot, Uffie, SebastiAn, and the legendary Daft Punk – discussed the album with NME, expressing that it gave him the same feeling as when he heard ‘Cross’ for the first time.
“I had goosebumps when I heard ‘Cross’ and I had the same feeling when I listened to Justice’s upcoming album,” he said. He went on to boast about the label’s accomplishments, mentioning that the duo’s presence had made a major impact on the label’s success.
“I am proud to manage a band that constantly innovates and pushes the boundaries,” he continued. “We are celebrating 20 years of Ed Banger, but we are also celebrating 20 years of Justice.”
Gaspard Auge and Xavier de Rosnay, the two members of Justice, have been hard at work on the new album, which is set to be released in 2024. So far, little is known about the album’s title, release date, or sound, but it will be their first new album in eight years, following their third and most recent studio album ‘Woman’.
Justice fans have something to look forward to next year as well – the duo is planning a world tour to coincide with the album release. Though no countries have been announced yet, the tour is sure to be an epic event.
In the meantime, Justice recently became involved in a legal battle with Justin Bieber over his album cover for ‘Justice’. The cover, which used a crucifix-style “T” in the title, was strikingly similar to Justice’s logo, which they have been using since 2003. Bieber’s team had contacted the duo about potentially working together on the graphic, but Justice presented Bieber’s team with a cease and desist order, claiming infringement.
It looks like Justice has been busy building up their comeback and the anticipation for the upcoming album is growing. Fans will have to wait until 2024 to hear the band’s new material, but it’s sure to be worth the wait.
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